Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Effects of climate change in Africa

Compare the different ways in which 3 African countries will be affected by climate change

  • 2 sides A4
  • Data to support your points - use the atlases
  • Language of comparison – whereas, however etc
  • LOCATION - coastal, landlocked, altitude? which biomes? Ocean currents & trade winds?
  • Compare social, economic, environmental
  • SCALE – local, national, regional, size of population affected etc.
  • Discuss governance & conflict
When it comes to discussing governance and conflict, you can make general points about conflict and war - if the country (eg. Somalia) has or is experiencing conflict at the moment, then it is not well-placed to deal with the effects of climate change - both socially and economically. It is unlikely that Somalia will be able to invest in coastal defences when it has no properly functioning government.

For conflict, you can refer to Transparency International's "Corruption perception index". Botswana stands out as a country that is well-governed with little (or less) corruption compared to other countries. 

Monday, 9 November 2015

Effects of climate change

We've spent 3.5 hours looking at the global impacts of climate change.

Using your annotated world maps, answer this question (should be at least 2 sides of A4):

"Compare and contrast global, regional, and local impacts of climate change"

Live lecture - Jon Snow from C4 news & David Blood - (business associate of Al Gore)

"Watch Jon Snow and David Blood in conversation about the UN Climate talks - Tuesday 8.30!"

Please watch this, tomorrow evening, live on the 10:10 UK website
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream