Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Y12 - coastal flooding and levels of development

AS – “Explain the physical and human causes of one flood in a developing country (8 marks)

A-Level – “Evaluate the influence of a country’s level of development in determining the impacts of coastal flooding” (16 marks)7

This second, A-Level question, requires you to evaluate. You are expected to decide how much levels of development affect the impacts of flooding. By doing this, you need to weigh up how humans are making the impacts worse with the physical causes.

In a conclusion you need to recognise how human pressures on coastal regions (agriculture, forest clearance, urbanisation) are increasing.

However, whereas, although, on the one hand, in spite, despite are the key phrases to use to evaluate. 

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Y13 work for Wednesday 30th November

First up, please check you have completed the work from last Thursday ("assess the implications of the variations in technology distribution" - remember it's TEA + E).

Then, using a purple pen, add additional information from the table on 181 to improve your writing.

Main task: create TWO mindmaps, and, using pages 179-181 (from 'Fossil Fuels') and your own knowledge, make notes on two themes:

1. Implications of a lack of technology access (include the section about Haiti)
2. Implications of high access to technology

Think about:   lifestyle  |  wealth  |  security

Please include your own knowledge. 
We will discuss this in Thursday's lesson

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Holderness - managing the coastline

Today we began looking at Holderness - the geology, the fetch & waves that strike it, and the processes at work on this increasingly vulnerable coastline.

For Tuesday, please complete the A3 sheet from today. Also, please collect/print:

5 images that show how the coastline is being eroded
5 images that show the methods used to protect the coastline

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Y12 - research the effects of sea level on coasts

Y12 - from last thursday - please research how sea level changes in the past have affected coast lines. For Tuesday

Y13 - Water conflicts in Central Asia

Water conflicts in Central Asia

Please all read this, as a point for discussion on Wednesday

Monday, 17 October 2016

Y13 Half-term homework

Y13 - over half term,

1. complete the table of key phrases/concepts on the superpowers topic.
2. Create a full set of revision cards for Unit 2 - we will start doing mocks on Thursday afternoons when we get back.

Please email me if you have any issues or concerns over half term.

Best of luck everybody

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Y13 - For Friday - different conceptions of superpower 'power'

Y13, please make sure you have read the article in my previous post about ecosystems and Brexit.

For Friday 14th October, please do the following:

Power is expressed in four main ways by a superpower:

Military power
Economic power
Cultural Power
Geographical power

Read the first paragraph of p.100 (on the forms of power). For the following superpowers, mindmap how their power has been expressed in these ways. Some will be easier than others.

United States
British Empire

Eg: "United States - Geographic power - surrounded by the main two oceans, enabling it to trade with Asia and Europe"

or, "USSR - cultural power - promoted communism in the Eastern bloc countries as a better alternative to capitalism"

Y12 - Coastal processes project - Holderness

Y12, I look forward to seeing your videos showing coastal erosion.

For today's lesson, you are to start working on a project that examines coastal erosion on the Holderness Coastline on the North-East Coast.

There is a wealth of information out there as it's a popular case study of coastal erosion, so you have to selective about what information to use.

Task: create a powerpoint of 10 slides that outlines

  • Location (1 slide)
  • Geology (1 slide)
  • causes of coastal erosion (2 slides)
  • Management of the area (2 slides)
  • Players involved and their roles (2 slides)
  • conflicts and the future (2 slides)
Each slide can have no more than 10 words on it - you are to present to the class using supporting notes. Good luck. Any issues please email me over the half term o.robbins@haaf.org.uk 

Saturday, 8 October 2016

The post-Brexit world - order from strength scenario & ecosystems

Please, please read this article carefully. It cuts right to the core of what we discussed on Friday. Is post-Brexit Britain going to herald a new dawn of ecosystem protection or ecosystem destruction?


We'll discuss on Wednesday

Friday, 7 October 2016

Millenium Ecosystem Assessment

Use p.97 to prepare your pitch for one of the two scenarios:

1. Global orchestration
2. Order from strength

In your pitch, you have to persuade the world that your scenario is best for the human well-being and ecosystem well-being. Include a powerpoint with an important summary (not lots of text)

You must:

  • critique the other approaches
  • defend your approach using LOTS of contemporary examples
Due Wednesday

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Y12 project

Set today: using every single one of the keywords on the sheet, create a short film using plasticine models that shows how erosion changes coastal landscapes

Due for next Thursday.
Good luck

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Water scarcity

Please watch this and make sure you understand EVERY SINGLE WORD OF IT!!!

Friday, 23 September 2016

Water conflicts revision

On ONE piece of A2 sugar paper, create a revision display for ALL of the case studies in water conflicts. For each, consider

  • pressures
  • players
  • futures
Due Friday 30th September

Monday, 19 September 2016

Water scarcity - understanding physical and economic

For Thursday:

Water Conflicts:

"Using named examples, explain the pattern of water scarcity"

Use the map on p.39 (also below).

Para 1: define physical & economic water scarcity

Para 2:

  • Name countries/continents/regions
  • Explain how physical factors (use p.33-36) affect the physical scarcity of water
Para 3:

  • Name countries/continents/regions
  • Explain how political/economic factors affect the availability of water

Water scarcity - understanding physical and economic

For Thursday:

Water Conflicts:

"Using named examples, explain the pattern of water scarcity"

Use the map on p.39 (also below).

Para 1: define physical & economic water scarcity

Para 2:

  • Name countries/continents/regions
  • Explain how physical factors (use p.33-36) affect the physical scarcity of water
Para 3:

  • Name countries/continents/regions
  • Explain how political/economic factors affect the availability of water

Friday, 9 September 2016

Drugs from the Sea: Coral reefs

Drugs from the Sea: the value of coral reefs

Please watch this TED lecture for discussion next week

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Y12 - The Littoral Zone

Use your notes that we have made so far to answer these 3 questions:

  1. Which subdivision will experience the most natural processes? Explain your thinking
  2. Which subdivision will experience the most human processes?
  3. Outline the natural and human processes that affect the dynamic equilibrium of the littoral zone
The 3rd question requires about one side of A4.

Below are the video links that we watched this morning, to help you understand the dynamic equilibrium of the littoral zone.

Friday, 2 September 2016

Topic 3 - Biodiversity

For Wednesday - research and make a list of the physical and human factors that affect biodiversity. Use your textbooks as well as online resources

Friday, 8 July 2016

The end of suburbia

This film is about how the theory of 'peak oil' will affect Western lifestyles that we've become so used to - high-energy, high-consumption lifestyles dependent on cheap energy resources.

While watching, make notes on

  1. what peak oil theory is
  2. key facts & figures
  3. Names of key players and an outline of the roles they play
After doing this, write about 2 sides of A4 that answers this question:

"Analyse how depleting fossil fuels will impact on our lives". 

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Water conflict independent study


Create an information Pack about Water equality in Israel/ Palestine. Use pages 47-48  the video and the article link to help.

Helsinki Rules- What are they? why are they important? What is an example of them being used?

Colorado River- CONFLICT MATRIX using pages 50-51.

Monday, 27 June 2016

Watch this film about OPEC and answer the following question:
1. Examine the role of different players in the global energy market

Increasing energy security - fracking

Watch this film, and answer these questions:

1. Explain how countries are increasing their energy security
2. Examine the ways in which alternative energy supplies come at high environmental and social cost

Monday, 9 May 2016


Tuesday, 15 March 2016

UNIT 2 - REBRANDING PLACES - work for Friday

Dear all, for Friday:

1. Create a questionnaire for Margate that will find out the following things:
(a) what people think of Margate
(b) whether they think the rebranding of Margate has been successful

Think carefully about this: how can the data received be accurate and reliable? Think about open and closed questions, types of questions, and think carefully about how not to offend people or ask them personal or difficult questions.

2. Plan your fieldtrip to East Sussex
How can we find out if the rural rebranding schemes have been successful in East Sussex? Think carefully about the types of data we need to collect

3. Bring your answers to this question to the lesson, for peer assessment:

"Comment on how heritage and culture can make a contribution to rebranding"

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Rebranding Margate

Here is drone footage, taken of Margate (presumably before Dreamland reopened in 2015)

Monday, 7 March 2016

Margate - how is it deprived?

Collect reams of secondary data on Margate: how is it deprived/why does it need rebranding? - maps/graphs/data tables/photos

1 health
2 education
3 economy
4 crime
5 environment

Monday, 8 February 2016

Use purple pen to annotate, modify, and improve your mock exam papers. Here's the link to the mark scheme http://qualifications.pearson.com/content/dam/pdf/A%20Level/Geography/2013/Exam%20materials/Mark-scheme-Unit-1-(6GE01)-June-2014.pdf