Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Y13 work for Wednesday 30th November

First up, please check you have completed the work from last Thursday ("assess the implications of the variations in technology distribution" - remember it's TEA + E).

Then, using a purple pen, add additional information from the table on 181 to improve your writing.

Main task: create TWO mindmaps, and, using pages 179-181 (from 'Fossil Fuels') and your own knowledge, make notes on two themes:

1. Implications of a lack of technology access (include the section about Haiti)
2. Implications of high access to technology

Think about:   lifestyle  |  wealth  |  security

Please include your own knowledge. 
We will discuss this in Thursday's lesson

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Holderness - managing the coastline

Today we began looking at Holderness - the geology, the fetch & waves that strike it, and the processes at work on this increasingly vulnerable coastline.

For Tuesday, please complete the A3 sheet from today. Also, please collect/print:

5 images that show how the coastline is being eroded
5 images that show the methods used to protect the coastline

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Y12 - research the effects of sea level on coasts

Y12 - from last thursday - please research how sea level changes in the past have affected coast lines. For Tuesday

Y13 - Water conflicts in Central Asia

Water conflicts in Central Asia

Please all read this, as a point for discussion on Wednesday