Sunday, 28 May 2017

Y12 - Globalisation - half term work

The half term work comes in two parts:

1. To complete the work we began on 'switched off' and 'switched on' places around the world, answer this question. Write a detailed paragraph (half a side) with 2 examples for each of the four factors.

"Analyse the physical, political, economic, and environmental reasons why some locations are 'switched off' from globalisation".

 To reach the higher levels, remember to pick holes in your own points. So, just after having mentioned Nepal and how it's landlocked, you then do a big "however" and mention Switzerland, and try to explain why, in this case, being landlocked is not a problem.

Use the KOF map of globalisation to find some examples.

2. Download the PDF file from this link Global Shift PDF

a) define the global shift
b) identify the causes/what has enabled it to happen
c) mindmap the impacts on China and India

Monday, 22 May 2017

Y12 - measuring globalisation

Read p.162-163. Mindmap the ways the KOF index and the A T Kearney Index measure globalisation.

Which is a better measure? Explain your decision.

Next, use this KOF map to mindmap/create a table showing the physical, environmental, political, economic factors that explain 'switched on' and 'switched off' places around the world. Use examples!

Eg: (under 'physical') Nepal - mountainous - lack of internet infrastructure; landlocked - no ports for access to trade routes.